Wednesday 22 February 2012

Weigh-in Wednesday Week 2

Yayy another 2.1 kgs gone..this is surreal..I hopped on and off the scale twice,before doing the happy dance...that brings my total weight-loss to 6.7 kgs since the 1st of January 2012.Loving it..loving the new me!
I have been sick since Saturday and haven't really had any energy to exercise so far..But,tomorrow I am planning to start again..slow and steady...just walk to the school and back..moderately paced walk,with the 5 yo,pushing the pram.As I get my strength back,I add more exercise..And I am still hoping to do the Fun Run on Sunday.Of course,I will be walking,and not running..well you go to start somewhere.
Speaking of weekends,last weekend I celebrated my 32nd Birthday..and went shopping and came back happy with well fitting size 16 clothes..and no..I don't mean clothes that you have to hold your breath that you can breath freely in..clothes that aren't sticking to your body and ready to burst!!LOVEEEEEE it...:) wearing a top that doesn't ride up,when you sit down...aah joy!
I didn't buy too many clothes,because I want to go back in a couple of weeks and buy a smaller size..may be size 14 or who knows,even a size 12!!!
I haven't tried on any new jeans yet..I think I will wait some more time for those..I really really want to fit into a skinny,so..Mumma's tummy needs to shrink..and it is..only its taking longer than the top..but thats ok..Any loss is good loss! I will be taking measurements again on the 1st of March..More later.
~Indie Mom!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

3 days into 12wbt

So 12 wbt started on Monday and I haven't had a chance to update here.. I can't even begin to explain the excitement I felt before it began.
The first weigh-in was today and I have lost 500 gms. I am this close to crossing the 5kg mark and then I will go shopping for new workout gear!! I am hoping it happens in the next 2 days,then I can combine the shopping with my birthday and buy myself a new dress/top too!
I have been eating clean-most of the time..and working out hard.
I have a new routine now..I finish my workout,as soon as I come back from school drop-off. The baby usually falls asleep on the ride back home..I just put her in the crib and start my workout. On the days that I do couch-to-5K,I try to go to one of the parks but last few days,I have been doing it in the backyard. I can't go as fast as I can in the park..but,I just didn't want to drag the baby out in the cold or heat!
Fingers crossed that the rest of the twelve weeks go as well as this.
Though I have to being the day,DH and I have been together for 10 years- we ordered some thai food in..I served myself small portions and when I checked the calories on MFP,I was pleasantly surprised.
But,I forgot to tell them,"No Mushrooms" and there was some mushroom in the rice..and I am allergic to mushrooms..Now here I m sitting with some seriously stuffed nose-itchy mouth.. I hope tomorrow is better...

Saturday 11 February 2012

Big Day!

Today is a big day.I stepped on the scale this morning and when I saw the number on the scales,it made me very happy. Today,I weigh exactly 6 kgs less than I did,when I got pregnant with Baby Princess! This weight loss has pushed my BMI from 42.3 to 40.2 ..Looking at these numbers,I am so inspired. Now,I am not going to stop till I don't get out of the obese zone..and out of the over-weight zone.
I also dug out a pair of jeans that I have been saving for the longest time. My soul-sister passed it on to me,5 years back.Its waiting for me to get thin..Well its now or never..and I pick NOW!
A few days back,I kept all my jeans next to each other and my current jeans is atleast 2 inches less in waist compared to the one I was wearing at the start of the year.I am still wearing those jeans...its loose..but I like feeling the loose jeans on my body!
12wbt starts on Monday and I am excited and nervous. I have been feeling off of sorts for the last few days and haven't been exercising.Today I went for a walk and also did my fitness test.I was hoping to begin at the intermediate level,and was a tad disappointed that I am still in the beginners level.But,here's the good news..It can only get better from here!!
We finished the grocery shop today and Hubby is going to try out the meal plans with me..his only request is that I make Indian food for him every 3-4 days.That sounds doable.
I'll sign off now..and go and get those dreaded 'Before' photos taken!
~Indie Mom

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Weigh-in Wednesday!

Woo-hoo!My first big loss..
Lost 1.4kgs this week!!!And a total loss of 4 kgs since the start of the year! Super-duper loving it..Can't wait for 12WBT to begin!

Week that was...

Blogging in my mind-  thats what I have been doing. And I realised,I haven't written anything here!
So,this is what I have been up to in the last week-
1. Eating healthy!
2. Started Couch to 5K and completed week1. I pushed myself today and ran with the pram!
3.I have tried so many new things in the last week- I tried Zumba.And loved it.
I have re-discovered my love for Tae Bo and just when I was beginning to feel,I am the most un-co-ordinated person on the face of the earth,I found myself,doing some moves,right!
I tried Wii Just Dance.I have to tell you I have two left feet and despite that,I managed to score some points and more importantly,burned calories.
I love my Polar -it is really the best coach ever.It keeps pushing me to strive and go that extra bit.
12WBT starts in less than 6 weeks.I am so excited.I have decided to workout in the park and at home(on bad weather days or when I can't get out!) I am amazed at myself..that I have actually picked spots,where I would like to work-out. The Old me wouldn't have done that.
The fridge and the pantry have been cleaned out and stocked with goodies of the healthy kind.One shelf has been designated to hubby and Lil Princess's snacks. Snacks that I don't care about. The day after I cleaned out the pantry..there was nothing to eat ..and I looked in the cupboard and the fridge but didnt find anything. And then I sat down and cried...for a long time.I was mad at the husband for not going grocery shopping with me the previous night.I was mad at the kids for wanting me..I was mad at myself for wanting to do it right this time! But,I felt better after the cry..and we went grocery shopping later.
That night after the girls were in bed,hubby helped me do my measurements and I have lost a total of 40 cms since the 25th of January! 1 whole inch gone from the waist!! And then I was happy,that I was doing the right thing!
Little Princess asks me now before reaching for a treat-"Does Michelle Allow this?" She loves watching Michelle's videos!
Weigh-in Wednesday tomorrow and I am nervous.I am hoping for a big loss and I just hope I am not disappointed.I will be back tomorrow,with the weigh-in results..

Tuesday 31 January 2012


Today was a good day.I did the TaeBo again..this time..I walked it off a little and laste 43 minutes into the video and then finished the stretching and had burnt- 369 calories in 46 minutes.
Eating wise also the day was good. I wanted to burn atleast 150 calories make it upto my 500.I took the kids to the park.It was cold and windy..but we just bundled up and went. I walked around pushing the pram,while Little Princess rode her bike..when we came back 20 minutes later- 206 calories smashed! Super loved it.
I have been eating Bulgur wheat instead of rice..Today,I made my favorite meal of Daal-Rice and Pan fried fish. I made Bulgur for myself and rice for the rest of the family.When we were eating..for 2 minutes,I had this inner debate with myself..about whether I should eat the rice or not.. and finally I decided to NOT eat it..and I didnt even miss it.
At dinner time,Hubby thought the Bulgur was a dish gone wrong and threw it out,while I was out walking. I came back,had a shower and just when I was about to sit down to eat,he told me that he threw that brown thing in the pan! LOL!That was my dinner..I told him..Anyway,I was starving.I measured out 1/2 cup of rice with Daal and fish..and I couldn't finish the food. For the first time,in so many years,I chucked the food in the bin. Its been drilled in my head,from childhood - that you should not waste food.You should finish all that is served in your plate..but I don't like that heavy feeling in my stomach anymore..

One of my goals is to finish dinner before 8 pm..latest by 8.30 PM..I have been thinking hard about making my commitments..which is the Pre-season task 4..and I have also been thinking back to how I put on so much weight..and also why I don't lose weight despite eating healthy..and one of the things that flashed in my head is - Eating dinner so late.Since we got married..I don't remember ever eating before 9-10PM..Hubby would come home late from work,we'd have chai  and have dinner after a couple hours. After the kids,came along,it became even worse..most days I would cook only after Hubby got back home..So,if he got back home at 7- I would start cooking at 7;30-after drinking chai with him..

I have been trying to eat early since the last week or so..and I like going to bed with a lighter stomach.I do get hungry before bed and I usually have a cup of warm milk.That makes me feel better...
Tomorrow I make my watch this space..

Saturday 28 January 2012

Task-3 -Take 1

1 month goal

To lose 3 kg
To be able to jog 2 km
to lose 2 inches off the waist,hips,belly fat.
To make exercise as much a part of my life as brushing my teeth is.

how will i get there
Continue eating healthy and counting calories.
Re-start Couch25K challenge.
Continue walking and exercising.
I will achieve this goal by exercising,even on days that I don't feel like kicking off the excuses.

3 month goal
To lose 10kg
To run 4 kms
To get into size 16/14 clothes.

how will I get there

By continuing healthy eating and exercising,walking.
Continuing couch25K this time,not stopping,like last time.
By pushing myself to work harder with DVDs and weights.I will also start swimming.

6 month goal
To lose 15 kgs from the start of the year.
Eating healthy eating,like there is no other way of eating.
Getting into a fab outfit for the baby's first birthday

How will I get there
Slowly and steady,aiming to get rid of 1/2 kg each week..but losing it for good.
At the end of 6 months,I would have trained my mind consciously to have near-no red flag days.And if there are any,to start afresh the very next day!
I will get into that fab outfit for the baby's first birthday by EXERCISING EXERCISING,EXERCISING!

12 month goal
To lose 25 kgs.
And Maintain my new weight.

how will i get there
I will do it,by keeping up healthy eating and exercising.
Pushing myself harder and harder,every single day!